Home International Financing Energy Efficiency in Central Europe
Financing Energy Efficiency  in Central Europe

Financing Energy Efficiency in Central Europe


The European Commission – DG Energy, in partnership with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, has organized on the 27th of April a regional Conference on Financing Energy Efficiency in Prague, Czech Republic.

The Romania Green Building Council was invited to this event to present their latest version of the Green Homes & Green Mortgage program. The program will also be included in the „Value and risk appraisal framework for energy efficiency finance and investments” green finance guide to be released later this month to Europe’s banks by the „Energy Efficiency – Financial Institutions Group” established by the European Commission and United Nations Environment Programme.

More specifically the event will be the opportunity to:
  • Present and discuss the EU’s energy efficiency policy and the EU support to finance energy efficiency investments.
  • Present the advancement of energy efficiency investments across the region.
  • Share best practices on how energy efficiency can be financed through private funds.
  • Engage policy makers and stakeholders in an informed discussion on ways to upscale energy efficiency investments.

Please the event’s webpage  to view the detailed agenda, register without cost and for the latest updates.   Participants are requested to register by 21 April.

For further background information on the project and to see the agenda and presentations from previous events, please visit the Sustainable Energy Investment Forums webpage.